
A little update..

Hey Y'all!! 

I finally made it through Maggie's first birthday, it went amazing, other than having it in my house and it being a little crowded once everyone got there. All in all I was thrilled and Maggie had a great time! She got tons of gifts and we had a great turn out and the one thing I stressed about the most, the CAKE, yum- it was delicious! 

So I also started making some of the boutique headbands that are popular right now. I LOVE them! I am trying to get them going so prayers are appreciated! I hope once I get it out there that I am doing them it will take off! 

Please do not copy, pin or use my photo in any other way. Thank You!

I hope all is well with each of you and that y'all had a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving. We were all sick and weren't able to attend ours because I didn't want to get babies or the elderly grandparents sick, or anyone else for that matter! 

Thanks for keeping up with us! I don't plan on it being so long before I post again! 

Love, Jess


I guess this is my diary now...

Well, some things came up, job wise, and would have been absolutely perfect for me but, in the end Maggie is always more important so I turned it down. I'm actually having a hard time with it but at the same time I feel such a relief knowing I'm not going to be leaving her with a sitter during the day and I know something even more perfect will come along. I just couldn't bring myself to watch her wave "bye-bye" with that tiny little hand in the morning times.

Meanwhile, I'm still working out the details of her birthday party, I hope it turns out as good as I am anticipating! On top of all that I am making both of our Halloween costumes, I can't wait to post pictures of them but until then I'm keeping what we are going to be a "dear" little secret. ;) Guess below in the comments if you wish! 

Maggie is growing so fast, she gets around every where, loves pushing and walking behind the little walker and says Ma-Ma, Da-Da and Bye-Bye, she's a mess. I'm enjoying being home with her so much, the weather here is AMAZING right now so we've been spending the evenings outside. Oh, and if you follow my personal account on Instagram you probably seen I put some meat on the ground with my first bow kill this year. Daddy stayed home and babysat while I went alone and it was actually nice to just sit in the blind and enjoy being in the woods again. 



A little late night entry...

Here's to another late night post, baby's asleep and puppy's tucked in and Momma's wide awake! 

Now on to what I wanted to talk about- Have you ever prayed for something once or twice and all of a sudden, BAM, .you feel like God put the answer right in front of you, right away? I sure have. 

Lately I've been praying and I mean praying HARD, about some things that have really been weighing on me and I found myself asking God if he was listening..I know, how crazy of a question is that!? I just thought my goodness, I really can be impatient, made me realize why my hubby always says just be patient. When you're really looking for an answer though it seems like they take forever to present themselves. Hopefully I'll have an answer soon and can share some stuff with y'all! 

Any way, I am trying to plan Maggie's first birthday party, yes, her FIRST BIRTHDAY is already fast approaching! She's nine months and it feels like I should've started planning like the day before she was born. Haha! It's coming along though, I know it'll all work out but it just wouldn't be like me to not stress about something, it's just in me! 

I hope yall have a great Labor Day Weekend, we don't have any big plans but these days big plans are actually spending quality time together and I'll take that any day. 

Love, Jess! 


A little about me!

Hey y'all! I'm so glad you're here! I just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself, and probably talk about other stuff, and hopefully get to know some of you too!

I'm  a wife and the Momma of a little girl named Maggie and one fur baby named Bentley. I married my high school sweetheart, I guess you could say middle school for me, I was only 13! Yea, WOW! We've been together ever since and I have loved every minute of it! We got married in September of 2012 after I begged him since I was probably 18!! I love that man with all of my heart! He's truly the best! 

I found out I was pregnant in March of 2014 and life hasn't slowed down since. I had a pretty easy pregnancy, compared to some, but for me it was complicated. But that's a whole other post. 

I love Jesus, my family and friends! I like some DIY projects but I have gotten in over my head on some so I'm careful what I take on now! If you've read my other post you probably know but I have recently learned to sew and LOVE taking pictures! Maggie is my main subject, she thinks my tricks to get her to smile are hilarious! 

I am not on a weight loss journey or selling anything, yet ;) , I'm just a Momma that enjoys writing about our life! I hope to soon get my website "setup" a little better and improve some things but right now I'm just going to see where the Lord leads me! 

Thank you all for your support!

Love, Jess 


Enjoying being a Momma!

I will start this post off by saying YES! I have days where I think I can't stay in this house any longer and I want to go get a job. But, in all seriousness, I couldn't imagine not being with Maggie all day everyday and it brings tears to my eyes at the thought of bringing her to daycare! Props to all you working Mommas that have to or choose to, I just don't know how you do it.

I have definitely been enjoying being a Momma, but, I have been trying to think of things that I can do, on the side of course, that will bring in a few extra bucks for fun things. There are plenty of things I like to do and a few things I'm sorta kinda good at but I just can't make up my mind and I find myself asking my husband, "What do I want to do?". (Like he knows the answer. Haha!) I decided that no matter the road I choose to travel they all require time and more than likely time not spent with my precious girl. 

This is one of the hardest things for me, everyone said after she was born, give it a few months, you'll be begging grandparents to take her. NOT- she will be eight months old tomorrow and I still don't want her anywhere but with me! 

That's where I'm at right now, weighing the options, praying I can find something that I love and will also help my family. What do you do? I would love to know, leave comments, I need help! Hopefully I'll be back soon with a solution but I'm certainly trying to let The Lord work, his "soon" isn't always the same as mine and that's just fine with me! 



And Finally, Maggie's Nursery

Hey Y'all!! Sorry I am so behind posting the details of Maggie's nursery, you know, tons going on and no time but here we go!
   When we found out we were pregnant, I knew instantly I would not have a "themed" nursery. Not that there is anything wrong with those and most are done super cute but that is just completely opposite of my style, I'm that super plain person that wears the same pearl earrings, like, everyday! But anyway, I started looking and everything was nothing I wanted. I found a super beautiful set on Etsy for almost $800 and all that I would receive was the skirt, bumpers and sheet. I couldn't handle the thought of that. So....I mentioned to my hubby's Grandma my dilemma and she offered to try to make what I wanted, needless to say it turned out perfectly beautiful and it means so much more to us since she made it for our sweet girl! I found different items on Pinterest that gave me so much inspiration and then it all spiraled from there. I knew I wanted something super super simple, that's probably why I chose no theme, but was still very elegant for my wee little one.

     I went to our local fabric store and started stocking up on the supplies she needed. I bought tons of a beautiful ivory colored, washed linen fabric, I love it!

    I brought it all to her and she whipped up this beautiful set complete with curtains, bumper pads, the bed skirt and three sheets, all with different patterns so I could change the look up some. The whole process was so fun! 

    About the lamp, I found picture of a ruffle shade on the internet and she made it, this lady is amazing y'all! I love her! The base is from Lowes.
  These are the bows across the front of the crib. There were six total.
 This is the ruffle detail of the bumper pads. 

  I couldn't decide what I wanted above her crib so I ran across this M at Hobby Lobby and it was on sale, score! The rug is from Home Depot and it is so so soft!
 And last but not least, the curtains, and the glass balls on the rod and tie backs accent the lap base, which I love.

So my goal of simplicity was the right choice for me and one of my favorite parts is that I can leave those curtains up for, well, forever, if I chose to because they will literally go with anything!

Hope y'all enjoyed this post! It's so dear to me because it was my wish and a very special lady made it come true! Thanks Grandma! We love you tons!

Love y'all!


All things...Maggie

Hey y'all!

First, I wasn't able to get my logo done in time so I threw one together so I can start posting my pictures. Yes! I have still been playing with my camera and (I know I say it enough.) LOVE taking pictures of Maggie! Here's one of my favorites!

Please remember not to copy/pin photos of my sweet girl.

Now, something I have been so excited to talk about. Zach's grandmother has been kind enough to teach me to SEW! I have sewn burp cloths, blankets, dresses and I'm going to attempt cloth shoes later on in the week, you know, all of it's for Maggie! I went and got a beginner sewing machine, all the supplies and tons of fabric to play with. It's seriously so fun! If you've ever thought you might like to sew, get someone to teach you, or just go for it yourself, you'll love it too! And if you're already into sewing, you should give me some general pointers in the comments below! There is a picture of Maggie in the "dress" on my Instagram, jhester012! Back to the "dress", it's not actually a dress, I shortened mine so it would be more like a top and then added bloomers. I love to see her chunky little legs! The tutorial I followed was the "Ice cream social dress", over at Craftiness is not Optional, her name is Jessica too! Go here, it's totally free and she does a great job explaining it! Thanks Jess!

As far as Maggie goes, she is teething; you know, slobber, chewing on everything, fussiness and worst of all fever, all prayers are very much appreciated.

I'll be back soon talking about something SUPER special to me, Maggie's nursery. Can't wait! 

Love, Jess


Time, please slow down.

Today has just been a regular day here on our hill. I have certainly enjoyed the past five, yes five, months watching Maggie grow! It truly has been an amazing journey so far and I know there is so much more to come. We are growing and learning so much as a family with her here and it's great!

Now, in my last post I mentioned I had bought a fairly nice camera, let me tell you, if you have a child, it is most definitely your best investment. I love documenting and just knowing as long as I have these photographs I will always have the memories with me! I also started playing with an editing program just for fun and now my house stays a wreck...haha! I also talked with someone about getting a custom logo and I am SO excited about that! 

Can't wait for the next post, hopefully I'll have my logo done and will post a couple of the pictures I've been taking!

I hope y'all enjoyed your Easter and got to spend it with the ones you love most!

Jessica & Maggie


Inspiring New Addition

Well, here I go, my first post. Maggie was born this past November and since then she has inspired me to start a blog to share our experiences with you.
Having our daughter is certainly nothing less than the greatest adventure of our lives and the biggest blessing we could have ever hoped for. In the past two months I have learned more about myself and my husband than I ever thought I would, it is truly amazing how things change, in a good way of course, once you welcome a new addition in to the family. Maggie is the sweetest little thing, and a perfect mixture of myself and my husband, so unreal how one minute she looks like me and the next her Daddy.
As far as the inspiring goes, I bought a Canon camera some time ago and when she came along I was so glad we had invested in something that at the time was no big deal but now it captures the moments I never want to forget. On top of that, I never thought I could be so adamant about trying to do things "perfectly" just for her, how the way the towels are folded and put away doesn't bother me any more but the line on her socks has to curve around her tiny toes just right because I know how bothersome it can be to have them on wrong. The simplest little things that I know truly don't matter to her I try to make perfect, knowing nothing will ever truly be perfect and she doesn't care as long as I give her the love and compassion she needs from me as her mother.
My wish for this site is to write about the things that matter the most to me, my family, and to share with you things that helped me along my journey as a new mother and also the things that have and will continue to help me become a better wife!
I hope that you will return soon.
Please do not copy this photo in any way, Thanks!